What are the Features of a Fast Sport Horse?

A horse rider’s skill is crucial to his success in any horse sport. This success, however, also relies heavily on the horse. A sport horse has been intentionally bred and trained to be more athletic, energetic, and faster than the average horse. These horses are considered superior to their counterparts in terms of competitiveness. 

Sports horses come in various breeds, physiques, and temperaments and these factors determine the sport in which they excel. For instance, a horse’s swiftness, skill, and obedience are crucial elements for success in dressage. On the other hand, endurance racing requires a fit horse with inbuilt strength and stamina to cover long distances. 

When it comes to horse racing, one of the most exciting horse sports, fast horses are a must-have for any rider to get a shot at winning. Horses are naturally fast animals, but since horse racing is a fight for the fastest horse, it demands exceptional speed. 

What is a Fast Horse?

A fast sport horse has been bred and trained to be faster than a standard horse. It has been trained to propel itself forward at the rate of a sprinter’s stride. Some horses can travel as fast as 55 km/hr. The fastest galloping speed recorded was 88.5 km/hr, attained by a Quarter horse named “A Long Goodbye” in 2005. These fast horses can keep up these speeds for a short period, which is why they are perfect for sprint races. 

One topic of significant concern among breeders, trainers, jockeys, and even horse racing fans is identifying a fast horse. This is because, contrary to popular opinion, it is difficult to determine a horse’s speed from merely its appearance. If it were, the horse race betting industry would be dead now, as everyone would place winning bets just by analyzing physical traits. However, there are more crucial factors that determine a horse’s speed. 

This article will discuss some of the features of a fast sport horse to help you know the traits to look out for.

Sport Horse

Horse Breed

A horse’s breed and genetics are one of the most accurate determining factors of its speed. For instance, thoroughbred horses are considered very fast and the most suitable for horse races, especially on relatively long distances. Also referred to as “hot-blooded horses,” they are the most common breed in horse racing. The Guinness World Record for the world’s fastest horse is held by a thoroughbred named Winning Brew with a speed of 43.97MPH.

The American Quarter breed is considered the best in short-distance sprints, while Arabians excel in endurance racing. Other horses, like the Morgan breed, are not as fast and are usually better suited for horse sports like show jumping, which does not require speed.

Body Structure

The bones and muscles, which make up a horse’s size, are the two main body structures influencing its speed. This does not imply that taller and thicker horses are necessarily faster, nor that skinny horses are slower. Nonetheless, a perfect mix of these elements usually results in a fast horse speed.

Fast Stride Rate

The stride rate of a horse is the number of strides it can take within a given time. A typical racehorse moves at a pace of 130 to 140 strides per minute, while fast horses can reach a speed of 160 strides per minute. Although stride rate is crucial, there are other factors to consider, as some horses can cover longer strides than others. 

A horse that covers 6 meters with one stride and takes 130 strides per minute is not as fast as one that covers 7 meters with a stride at the same rate. 

Long Stride Length and High Stride Angle

The stride length is an essential feature of a horse’s speed. It is how long a horse can cover with each stride. Therefore, the fastest horses are the ones that cover long stride lengths at a rapid stride rate. 

A horse’s stride angle is another factor that determines its speed. It is the distance between a horse’s front and hind feet. The stride angle is usually taken at the spot where the rear leg is pushed off. As a result, a higher stride angle usually means longer strides in horses.


Speed is the most crucial element in horse racing. Hence, horse owners, trainers, and breeders always look for the fastest horses. Apart from the speed-determining features mentioned in this article, keeping your horse healthy and well-groomed is also vital for optimum performance in races.

How Should People Train to be Horse Riders?

The elegance and classic experience of horse rider make it one of the most exciting activities. This also makes horse sports so thrilling and unique from other sports.  

On the surface, horse riding looks easy. You may think all it takes is for the rider to mount the horse, and the animal galloped away. However, this is not the case, and horse riding is far from easy. Being a good horse rider takes a lot of hard work, commitment, and training. 

Although a lot of work goes into horse riding training, it is worth noting that all successful horse riders create an incredible bond between themselves and their horses. 

Whether you are training to ride horses for recreation or more professional reasons like sports, this article provides insight into how you should train. 

Maintain Your Balance Without the Saddle

Every beginner training in horse riding is advised to get properly strapped. This is to maintain balance on the horse, reducing the chances of falling off. Saddles are also a part of horse riding that helps control the horse. 

However, maintaining your balance without the saddle as your training progresses gives you more confidence, especially during bumpy rides. Also, it helps you create a stronger bond with your horse. Note that it is always safer to ride with saddles. In fact, all horse riding tournaments involve a saddle. However, practicing without saddles increases your horseriding ability tremendously. 

Improve your Fitness

Horse riding requires strength, control, and maximum coordination; hence, riders need to stay healthy and fit. The more fit you get, the more endurance you have during practice and the less tired you get as you begin riding. 

Horse Riders

Several exercises are recommended for horse riders to improve fitness, including push-ups, squats, running, cycling, etc. These exercises help you maintain a good balance on your horse while keeping it under control. 

Groom Your Horse

Just like you wouldn’t go to work without a good bath and a clean cloth, your shouldn’t take your horse out for a ride without being groomed. Grooming involves removing dirt and dust from every part of the horse. 

Always use a clean brush to remove any sticky mud or dirt on your horse, clean out stones and rocks from its hooves, and always check its body for any injuries. Riding on a clean, shiny, and healthy horse boosts your confidence and increases the horse’s performance. Regular grooming is an effective way to bond with your horse.

Train Under a Professional

There is no way to evaluate your skills and track your development in horse riding training without the help of a professional. Having someone to identify your weak areas, give positive criticisms, and encourage you as you train is compulsory to sharpen your skills as a horse rider.

You can also consider training with more than one person to expand your learning scope. This is a way to ensure you are not limited to only the techniques and styles of a single trainer. Learning from more than one trainer is a proven way to hone your riding skills and become a well-rounded professional horse rider faster.

Watch Other Riders

Like with any other activity, watching other people can significantly improve your horse riding skill. Studying professionals up close can help you learn how riding techniques are applied practically and how to connect with your horse better. It also helps you know the mistakes to watch out for, improving your style.

You can visit practice centers, where trainers review the latest techniques and study professional riders during major events. However, note that this cannot replace your training and practice. 

Participate in horseback riding competitions

There is no better way to put your training into real-life practice than participating in a horse riding event. Competition helps master your skills by requiring you to put in your best in the heat of pressure. The results you get in these events will help you analyze the progress you’re making with your training and how far you still need to go. Competition also fuels your motivation and passion as you see other riders give their best in live action.


Horse riding is far from easy; it is a craft that requires consistency and commitment to mastering your skills. However, it’s worth all the trouble as riding a horse is one of the most splendid and thrilling experiences ever.


How Horse Race Betting Created The Totalizator System

Also known as the sport of kings, horse racing is one of the world’s oldest competitive sports. Historical facts state that this sport has always been intrinsically linked with gambling. In fact, horse race betting is considered one of the significant factors that aided the establishment of the activity as a professional sport. 

As much as betting influenced the prominence of horse racing, the sport also significantly influenced the betting sector. Horse racing made an indelible mark in the sports betting industry with its adoption of the totalizator system centuries ago, a system that became common in other betting sectors in later years.

What is the Totalizator System?

The totalizator system, also known as the tote system, is one in which odds are set after all bets on an event has been placed. It is often referred to as pool betting because all bets are collected in a pool, and the total amount is distributed among winners according to the bets placed. Simply put, this system is the opposite of the fixed odds system seen in most sportsbooks today. Sportsbooks set odds in the fixed odds system, but the bettors determine them in the totalizator system.

The totalizator system was primarily adopted for horse race betting, but today, it is widely used in other betting schemes.

Origin of Horse Race Betting

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of horse racing. Certain historians believe that horse racing originated in ancient Greece 2000 years ago when chariots were utilized with horses for entertainment purposes in stadiums. Horse race betting is as old as the sport itself.

Like any other kind of betting, horse racing began with benign peer-to-peer wagers. Over the years, these peer-to-peer bets evolved into bookmaking, also known as “the house,” in which bettors stake games with a bookmaker. The bookmakers had the ability to fix the odds before the start of the game. Therefore, when a bettor loses a bet, he loses against the bookmaker, a scheme which, in most cases, is skewed to favor the bookmakers in the overall betting transaction. 

race betting

How the Totalizator System Works

When Joseph Oller introduced the pari-mutuel, another name for the totalizator system, in the late 1860s, his principal aim was to create a system that would be fair to the bettor. He accomplished this by developing a mechanism that excludes the bookmaker and his impact on game odds. That is, when a bettor loses in the totalizator system, he loses to his counterparts who win the same wager and not to the bookmaker or the house.

For example, in a hypothetical race with four racers, various bettors will wager different amounts on each racer. Say $200 total bets on racer A, $600 on B, $700 on C, and $1000 on D. After calculating the total amount of bets (bet pool), a percentage is deducted as commission for the betting company. The total amount left in the pool is then distributed among bettors who bet on the winning racer. 

Suppose a total of $2000 remaining after the commission has been deducted, and A is the winning bet. In that case, the remaining money pool will be divided by the amount wagered on the winning bet. In this case, $2000 divided by $200 equals ten. This results in a payoff of $10 for every $1 wagered, which makes the odds 10 to 1. This means that the more wagers placed on the winning horse, the smaller the odds and amount each successful bettor will win.

The totalizator culture was appreciated among bettors since it provided much fairness and transparency to horse race betting. Till today, this system is regarded as the most transparent. However, it also has drawbacks, as placing wagers on horses that are favored to win will generate lesser earnings than in a fixed bet system. In fact, when a strong favorite wins, the payoff might be as low as $1.02 to one dollar.


Also known as the parimutuel, the totalizator system is an integral element of horse race betting. The system pits a bettor against his counterparts instead of the bookmaker. This means that the bookmaker has no direct control over the odds, providing a fair and transparent ground for everyone. 

The tote system, as it is known today, is still prevalent in racecourses. You can also access tote betting on some online sportsbooks. 

Why Horse Racing is a Great Event to Attend

Horse racing can be traced as far back as the 15th century. While America bears the glory of being the first country to own a race track, the sport has always existed in different forms across many countries globally. 

Over the centuries, horse racing has evolved from a sport where audiences only wager money on their favorite horse and chant them to glory; it has become a regulated event with weekly tournaments and championship titles. Horse racing has also entered the list of legal sports in many countries as it provides enthralling entertainment and generates massive revenue.

Today’s technological advancement is not an end to the thrills that come with horse racing. In fact, technology has a big role to play in the growth of a sport into a billion-dollar revenue-generating industry. With the growth of digitalization, internet penetration, and mobile betting, you can now enjoy and bet on your favorite horse races from the comfort of your home. 

While the online experience gives you easy access to experience and wager on any sports event, nothing comes close to attending a physical horse racing event. From the adrenaline rush of watching thoroughbreds in live action on racetracks to socialization opportunities, a horse racing event offers you maximum value for your time. 

It’s a Sport of Class

Horse racing is a classic event known for glamor. Unlike other sports, audiences are dressed in beautiful dresses and suits in horse racing tournaments, making the event more elegant. 

Several side attractions like music and dance are also available to entertain audiences in these events. So the fun is not limited to only the racetracks. Most importantly, horse lovers can interact closely with their favorite horses and jockeys before and after the tournament. 

It is also a non-violent sport, which gives room for an audience of all ages and gender. However, there is an age limit when it comes to betting. Anyone below eighteen years old is not allowed to bet on horses. 

Adrenaline Rush

Horse racing is one of the most unpredictable sports. Although some horses are known for their speed, strength, and agility, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that a horse will win a race. 

The sport gets more thrilling and exciting because the audience and bettors watch the race outcome unfold in live action. Watching your favorite horse heading for the win, head to head with another horse, is a sure way to keep you on the edge of your seat. The adrenaline rush in these moments is second to none. Whether you are betting on a horse or not, you are bound to enjoy the thrills that come with horse racing events. 

horse racing event

Socialization Platform 

Another reason you should attend a horse racing event is for exclusive socialization. It is easy to make friends with regular people you meet at these events as you talk about your favorite horses, wagers, jockeys, etc.

Some big horse racing events are also a platform that allows people to mingle with celebrities. You can watch your favorite celebs and even get a chance to take pictures with them before and after the events. 

Betting Opportunities

One factor that makes any sports event exciting for fans is the betting opportunities it offers, and horse racing is no exception. Attending horse racing events encourages you to put your money where your mouth is, providing you with a chance to earn some cash while enjoying the thrills of your favorite sport.

Horse racing is one of those sports you can stake on, immediately know the result, and get your reward as quickly as possible. While you can bet on your favorite horse on any online sportsbook using your phone, you’ll agree that there’s nothing like watching your wagers pan out on the racetracks right before you. 


Attending racing events gives you value for your time and money. An extra tip from us is to arrive early at these events so you can secure a good spot to watch the races and not miss any of the action.

Don’t let the horse races on TV trick you into thinking that the sport is boring. Book a ticket today for an experience filled with exciting benefits. Don’t forget to place bets on your favorite horses to add an extra layer to the thrills.